Saturday, March 4, 2017

Family in Crisis

First off, there are two terms here that we need to be aware of. Crisis and Stressor. A stressor is something that puts pressure on the family system, but they are able to make it through. A crisis at least temporarily changes the family system, if not permanently. Something that is a crisis to one family, maybe only be a stressor to other families. There are many different stressors a family could have. When something affects a family member, it affects the whole family. I think I have a tendency to think that it won't, but it does. We have a very individualist look on life and we think much more about ourselves then generations past. I don't think it is bad to think of ourselves and for ourselves, but I do think it is important to realize that there are others we need to care about as well. I am definitely aware that there are a lot of families out there that are not the traditional family structure, but it is still true that you will be affected by family members. Others choices will generally affect you in the family setting. I think it is important that whatever family situation you are in, you do your best to create a strong family system. Find ways to implement family togetherness into your life. Maybe something as simple as eating meals together, or just getting together to discuss things. Every family is going to hit rough spots, no matter what the family system looks like, but the stronger the system is, the easier it will be to handle these stressors and crises. The family is supposed to be your support system, I know not everyone has one, but if you can have this system I highly recommend it.

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