Saturday, March 18, 2017

Fathers Are Not a Joke

Portrayals of Fathers in media is a topic that really gets me going. Many shows, movies, and even plays and books will show fathers as someone stupid or worthless. Make them a running joke where they don't really contribute anything but humor. I think this is really sad to see. Unfortunately media has way more influence on us than we realize. What we choose to watch and read can influence what we think and believe, and sometimes it does it without us even noticing. People laugh and joke about it, but I don't find it funny. The role of a father is so skewed today that a father spending time with his child is considering abnormal and strange, crazy even! Why is that crazy? It shouldn't be. I am aware that in a lot of household settings the father is absent, or might as well be, but it shouldn't be that way. Fathers are just as important to a child's development as the mother is. There is a lot of pressure on mothers, but I feel that the standards for fathers are just so messed up. That some women considering dad watching the kids "babysitting" is the craziest thing to me. Spending time with his children should not be portrayed that way. Unfortunately there are a lot of people who don't have father's around and I hate that it is that way. Homes with the father present generally have a much easier time. I'm not talking about people who have abusive fathers or anything like that. Fathers who are there and show love to their children, and provide, and do what they can are so incredibly underappreciated and undervalued. Fathers out there who are doing all that you can to be there for your children and provide for them, thank you! Even if you don't feel you are doing enough, you are doing all you can and that is wonderful and important. There are people out there who know you are there and are grateful for all that you do. I do not take fathers for granted, and I never will. Fathers are not a joke!

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