Friday, February 3, 2017

Circular Causality and Physical Touch

Circular Causality. What is it? In class we talked about how it is like this constant cycle that we get stuck in. An example of this would be if I were in a relationship and he did something to upset me, but instead of me explaining why I am mad at him, I just act upset with him and distant. He keeps doing the thing that bothers me and I get angrier which makes him upset and it is just a constant cycle where we are moving further and further away from each other. This can go both ways, good and bad. In my opinion the one that I described it the most common. This isn't just something you do with your significant other either, this is something that can be done with everyone you know, especially the ones you live with. I can admit to having these moments in my family, and the longer you let this go on, the more distant you become. I find that for myself, most of the time I can't even remember why I was mad in the first place, but I know that I was mad. Plus whoever this is happening with is distant from me now too, and who really started anymore? I could say it was them, but they would probably say it was me. This cycle could just go on and on, unless you acknowledge what is happening and realize that something needs to change. Since learning about this this week, I have been paying more attention to how my relationships are working. I have seen both the good and bad, and some need to be dealt with. I will be working on that as time goes on.
Another thing I wanted to mention is physical touch with those we love and care about. This includes roommates, friends, significant others, family, and whoever else you want to put in this category. Physical touch, in the sense of just like holding hands or hugs or simple things like that are really important in close relationships. I think another way to put this is physical closeness. Generally the closer you are to someone physically, the deeper your bond will go. For example, just sitting by someone in a class everyday brings you closer to them then the people who are across the room from you simply because of where you sit, and a lot of people don't even seem to notice it. So when you are angry at someone and try to punish them by not letting them touch you or something along those lines you could cause more trouble and create more distance between you. It goes back to Circular Causality. The more aware of this I become, the more I am able to see how this takes place in my life.

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