Friday, February 3, 2017


Do you ever stop and wonder how culture starts or why we have the culture we have? Do you even really know what your culture really is? I'll be honest, when I think of culture, it is hard for me to apply culture to myself without thinking about art and music and all that fun stuff. That's not really what it is all about though. Culture is the attitudes, behaviors, and characteristics of a social group. We all have a culture, but how often do we really think about it in relation to ourselves?
We have different classes in our culture, and when we think of them it is easy to think that it is just about the money. We discussed in class this week though that we assume people's class depending on a lot of other things as well. For example, the more education you have, generally the higher the class people think you are. This isn't always true, but we do assume. Other factors would also be how people carry themselves, confidence, etiquette, mannerisms, and recreational pursuits. The more you have these things, the more likely people are going to believe you are a higher class. It is entirely possible to make people believe you are a higher class than you are. In fact there are probably people in your life who is doing that very thing and you have never noticed.
Culture is a funny thing and I feel like I really need to study my own culture some more and encourage others to do the same.

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